2042 Colson Road Bealsville, FL 33567 Phone: 813-737-1490 Email: mtmoriahministries@aol.com
Mt. Moriah Ministries
We offer a wide range of ministries here at Mt. Moriah Ministries for Youth and Adults. We encourage everyone to becme involved ad serve in one of our exciting areas of ministry offered by MMM.
Mt. Moriah Ministries offers Sunday School Classes for Adults and Children ages 4 through High School.
Each class is aimed at helping the students to experience faith at their level of understanding.
Ministry Leader: Dr. Gayle Ingraham
Men's Ministry
Our Men's Ministry equips and challenges men with Biblical truth and knowledge so that they might become amore Godly person.
Ministry Leader: Pastor Derek Ingraham
Mission Outreach
Our church members are engaged in a wide range of outreach activities of services for our neighbors in our local community (Pregnancy Care Center, Community Food Bank) and the World (Haiti Missions Project - Remember the Poor)
Ministry Leader: Pastor Derek & Sis. Amy Ingraham
Music Ministry
Our Music Ministry not only leads the congregation in worship, but it allows us to share the gospel of Christ through song as well as allow individuals to share their gift(s) and be an important part of our worship service.
Ministry Leader: Florence Ingraham-Clark
Singles Ministry
Mt. Moriah Ministries Singles Ministry provides a time of connection and community for Christian singles and those who are "single again. Our group ranges in age from Young Adults to "Seasoned" Adults.
Ministry Leader: Sis. Sherrie Ingram
Women's Ministry
Our Women's Ministry equips women to grow in their understanding of Jesus Christ, deepening their relationship with Him, in order that they may serve Christ, their family and others. Our goal is to create an environment where you can become all that God has called you to b be.
Ministry Leader: Sis. Pearly Dinks
Youth Ministry
We here at Mt. Moriah Ministries partner with parents to help nurture the Spiritual Formation of your children. Our ministry consists of students from Toddlers to High School.
Ministry Leader: Sis. Florence Ingraham-Clark
Tel. 813-737-1490
Fax Phone: 813-737-6647
2042 Colson Road
Bealsville, FL 33567
Church Email: mtmoriahministries@aol.com
Worship Times
Sunday School
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Fellowship Breakfast
10:30 AM - 10:55 AM
Morning Worship Service 11:00 AM
Bible Study
7:00 PM - 8:15 PM